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Invisalign is a modern solution for achieving a straighter smile without the need for metal brackets or wires. Instead, it utilizes a series of clear, custom-made aligners that gradually shift your teeth into the desired position. These aligners are virtually invisible, allowing you to straighten your teeth discreetly and confidently. Ease of use, comfortable fit as well as being virtually invisible has led to Invisalign rapidly becoming the orthodontic treatment of choice with adults who wish to attain a straight smile.

Advantages of Invisalign

How do Invisible Braces work?

Our dentists will take scans of your teeth at the initial visit. The latest 3D Scanner and printers plan your aligners and customise them to your teeth. The cutting-edge technology fabricates each aligner with precise control. The optimum amount of force to move each tooth is decided beforehand. You can visualise the results beforehand. In this method, you get a series of transparent and removable aligners that are supposed to be worn for a period of time.The aligners are carefully customised based on the severity of malocclusion one has. Moreover, each aligner is designed to work on a particular tooth to move it to its correct position without causing any discomfort. Depending on the case, the treatment time can be a few months to a year or two for achieving the desired results.

Types of Invisible Braces

Schedule an Appointment Today!

We invite you to schedule an appointment for your child at Soulful Dental and experience the difference. We’re confident that your child will feel comfortable and cared for in our nurturing environment, and we look forward to helping them achieve a healthy and beautiful smile.
book an appointment today!

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